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About the Author
Paulo Coelho
Paulo Coelho, born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is a Brazilian novelist known for employing rich symbolism in his depictions of the often spiritually motivated journeys taken by his characters. Coelho dropped out of law school in 1970 and traveled through South America, Mexico, North Africa, and Europe. In 1972 he returned home and began writing pop and rock music lyrics with Raul Seixas, a well-known Brazilian singer and songwriter. He worked for Polygram and CBS Records until 1980, when he embarked on new travels in Europe and Africa.
It was during this trip that he walked the route of Santiago de Compostela, which formed the basis of his first book, *O diário de um mago* (1987), which was published in English as *The Diary of a Magus* in 1992 and was reissued as *The Pilgrimage* in 1995. In 1988 Coelho published *O alquimista* (*The Alchemist*), which ultimately became an international best-seller. His other notable works include *The Valkyries*, *Eleven Minutes*, *Manual of The Warrior of Light*, *Manuscript Found in Accra*, *The Devil and Miss Prym*, *The Fifth Mountain*, *Veronika Decides to Die*, and *The Zahir*.
Source: [Britannica](https://www.britannica.com/biography/Paulo-Coelho)