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*The Adventure of the Speckled Band*, by Arthur Conan Doyle
*Death Arrives on Schedule*, by Hansjörg Martin
*The Feeling of Power*, by Isaac Asimov
*The Expedition*, by Rudolf Lorenzen
*The Cegua*, by Robert D. San Souci
*Master and Man*, by Leo Tolstoy
*Just Lather, That's All* by Hernando Téllez
*Nervous Conditions*, by Tsitsi Dangarembga
*Marriage Is a Private Affair*, by Chinua Achebe
*Cranes*, by Hwang Sun-won
*Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Gir*, by Anne Frank
*Letter to Indira Tagore*, by Rabindranath Tagore
*Letter to the Rev. J. H. Twichell*, by Mark Twain
*When Heaven and Earth Changed Places*, by Le Ly Hayslip
*By Any Other Name*, by Santha Rama Rau
*Kaffir Boy*, by Mark Mathabane
*China Men*, by Maxine Hong Kingston
*The Last Seven Months of Anne Frank*, by Willy Lindwer
*Account Evened With India, Says P.M.*, From *Dawn*
*Tests Are Nowhere Near India's: Fernandes*, From *The Times of India*
*Pakistan Nuclear Moratorium Welcomed*, From the *BBC Online Network*
*The Frightening Joy*, From *De Volkskrant*
*Building Atomic Security*, From *Zycie Warszawy*
*Macbeth*, by William Shakespeare
*"Master Harold"... and the Boys*, by Athol Fugard
*The Stronger*, by August Strindberg
*The Diameter of the Bomb*, by Yehuda Amichai
*Taking Leave of a Friend*, by Li Po
*Thoughts of Hanoi*, by Nguyen Thi Vinh
*Mindoro*, by Ramón Sunico
*Ode to a Pair of Socks*, by Pablo Neruda
Haiku by Matsuo Bashō
Haiku by Takarai Kikaku
Haiku by Anonymous
*Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night*, by Dylan Thomas
*Letter to the English*, by Joan of Arc
*Nobel Lecture*, by Alexander Solzhenitsyn
*Gettysburg Address*, by Abraham Lincoln
*Inaugural Address*, by John F. Kennedy
*Of Repentance*, by Michel de Montaigne
*A Small Place*, by Jamaica Kincaid
*A Modest Proposal*, by Jonathan Swift
*Cup Inanity and Patriotic Profanity*, From the *Buenos Aires Herald*
*Staying at a Japanese Inn: Peace, Tranquillity, Insects*, by Dave Barry
*Why Can't We Have Our Own Apartment?*, by Erma Bombeck
*Lohengrin*, by Leo Slezak
*A Wedding Without Musicians*, by Sholom Aleichem